
WEKO has taken over RotaSpray GmbH

Weko Holding GmbH has taken over RotaSpray GmbH from Oehringen with retroactive effect from January 1st, 2021 and further expands its textile segment.

With the merger of the two companies, the competencies in the field of functional wet finishing, digital printing pre-treatment and spray dyeing processes will be bundled for the textile segment. Both companies believe that these segments offer good future opportunities. Because the demand for a resource-saving, CO2-reduced dyeing and finishing process for textile yarns and fabrics is increasing rapidly. Likewise the market trend of ever smaller production lot sizes per order. “We can now meet these requirements even more efficiently through the company merger,” emphasizes Rainer Tuexen, former shareholder of RotaSpray GmbH.

Tobias Schurr, the new managing director of RotaSpray GmbH, underlines: “With the resulting synergies in product development, process know-how and production, we will be able to provide our customers with even more attractive solutions in the future. For us, the actual saving of chemicals, water, waste water and drying energy is important in order to make the processes not only more cost-efficient, but also more environmentally

With its large network, WEKO Holding also brings in a globally well-structured service organization that will also look after RotaSpray products in the future.
RotaSpray GmbH will continue to be managed as an independent unit within the WEKO Holding Group and will focus purely on the high-quality textile sector.

WEKO has been developing and producing non-contact application systems for product optimization and surface finishing with different types of liquids and powdery substances since 1953. The areas of application are broad and the nonwovens, paper, tissue, printing, wood fiber boards, foils and metal industries are successfully supported with WEKO solutions. You can find out more at

WEKO and RotaSpray are looking forward to a successful cooperation and will continue to be there for you as usual with innovative solutions – WEKO Innovation at work.

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    Gender: Male COVID-HIT Tottenham could yet be handed a European KO reprieve. A Tottenham forward who’s barely featured this season may wind up playing for a Champions League contender next year, per a report. The defeat means Spurs will likely have to beat Rennes in their final game to be assured of qualification for the knockout stages and they can no longer qualify as group winners, meaning they will have to play an extra round. Tottenham have become a regular top-10 finisher in the Premier League, last falling outside that tier back in 2007 08 (11th). Spurs have also made the top four in five of the past seven seasons. Drawing the likes of Real Madrid, Paris Saint-Germain or Bayern Munich from Pot 1 and Inter Milan from Pot 2 would have complicated things for Spurs. Fortunately, that is not what happened, as they now have a genuine chance of qualifying for the next round.

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    Lightning Link: Eyes of Fortune and Dragon’s RichesDragon Link: Golden Gong and Silk Road Each pokie via Dragon Link is unique. They have sets of bonuses, promotions, free spins, and other rewards, which increase winning chances. Try demo modes to see which symbols or reveals work best for you. Snoop Dogg – The Joker’s Wild Slot Game One thing that’s remarkable to note, and that I had missed before completing this review, is that certain Lightning Link and Dollar Storm versions can give you 6 spins, while others can give you more (8, 10 or even up to 15). On Dragon Link all the versions released to date give you 6. Perhaps that’s to normalize the game out a bit, but it’s a key difference between the two versions beyond things like denomination changes between Lightning Link and Dragon Link.

  47. We use cookies to give you a personalized experience & ads. By using this site, you agree to our cookie policy. Learn more here To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. This app is actually owned by PokerStars and is meant to be a rather robust free-to-play option. The name of the app used to be PokerStars play which used to be a popular Facebook app.Jackpot Poker has a unique format of poker where three players compete for a jackpot. You’ll be familiar with this format of poker if you’ve participated in Spin & Go games on PokerStars online site which uses real money. There are also a number of cash games you can play with your friends.Jackpot Poker app is a great platform for you to develop poker strategies as the game is usually action-packed. You can’t afford to just sit back and hope for strong holdings like pocket aces or pocket kings.
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    Βάσει των κανονισμών της Ε.Ε.Ε.Π., οι στοιχηματικές εταιρίες είναι υποχρεωμένες να ζητούν έγγραφα από τους παίκτες και να ταυτοποιούν τους λογαριασμούς. Εκτός όμως από την νομοθεσία, πρέπει να κατανοήσουμε πως η ταυτοποίηση σε στοιχηματική ιστοσελίδα αφορά και την δική μας ασφάλεια. Αναφορικά με τα επιτραπέζια παιχνίδια, όπως Ρουλέτα και Μπλάκτζακ βρίσκονται στο επίκεντρο με διάφορες παραλλαγές το κάθε παιχνίδι. Ο βασιλιάς, επίσης, των επιτραπέζιων παιχνιδιών το πόκερ κάνει αισθητή την παρουσία του, και αυτό σε μια μεγάλη ποικιλία εκδοχών.

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  54. The entire move is called splitting pairs, meaning you’re allowed to split if your first two cards form a pair. Please take into account that the move is not available in all forms of online blackjack games. Therefore, before playing the popular card game, make sure that it allows splitting pairs in the first place. The best way to reduce the house edge while playing blackjack is to always consider doubling-down. By deciding to double down, while you are in an extremely strong position with a great hand, you can easily capitalise on such situations and essentially swing the power controlled by the dealer away from them and into your favor. A golden rule when it comes to this betting option is to always double down when you have 11 in your hand, unless when you’re up against a dealer with an Ace. You should also double down when you have a hand total of 10, such as 5-5, unless the dealer is sitting on 10 or has an Ace.
    Accelerated up to 200% with dFast Torrent Cloud™ Enjoy the fastest download service with dFast. Roulette is a popular casino game throughout the world. And now it’s available on your computer, phone, and tablet for free from 24 7 Games! This HTML5 roulette game is playable from the browser of all of your devices – no app or flash download required! The future of gaming is here with 24 7 Roulette. The story goes that Connery was playing at the Casino de la Vallee in Saint-Vincent, Italy, where he placed five bets on the number 17. He lost on the first two spins, but he kept on. The third spin was lucky for him, and he won. Somehow, the gods smiled upon him as he placed all his new winnings on 17 and won again. Then, instead of simply walking away, Connery tempted fate one more time and put all of his winnings back on 17 for one final round — which he also won.

  55. Bitcoin (BTC) is the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap and described as an “innovative payment network and a new kind of money.” Bitcoin uses a peer-to-peer (p2p) network that does not involve any centralized bank or authority in terms of technical structure. All transactions are managed by the network collective as is the issuing of new bitcoins. Bitcoin was designed as an open-source technology and as far as we know, no one owns or controls Bitcoin. Its designs are public and anyone can take part in its development. BTC’s price turned down sharply on 6 September and broke below the support at $19,517.70. Though the bulls are attempting to defend the strong support near $18,500, the bounce lacks strength. In April 2010, BTC was launched at the first cryptocurrency exchange, BitcoinMarket, with a starting price of $0.0025. Shortly afterwards, the coin started to soar, generating more than a 1,000 per cent earnings to its initial owners.
    However, for more advanced users, coin selection is an important consideration. While recognizing that not everyone wants the option to take crypto rewards in less common coins, we give preference to cards that allow it. Visa tells Yahoo Finance it is “actively working with over 25 digital currency companies on a variety of bitcoin-related products and services, cards being just one area.” Visa notes it has an “enhanced due diligence process for any company that we work with offering a program connected to a crypto wallet.” This increased adoption has helped legitimize Bitcoin in the eyes of investors and consumers and contributed to its growing market capitalization. A34. If you donate virtual currency to a charitable organization described in Internal Revenue Code Section 170(c), you will not recognize income, gain, or loss from the donation. For more information on charitable contributions, see Publication 526, Charitable Contributions.

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  65. Alix has even influenced supermodel Romee Strijd to try the makeup look. Strijd captioned a TikTok showing off her white eyeliner, “Thanks @alixearle for giving the white eyeliner the comeback it needed.” Nude eyeliner is a more natural-looking alternative to white eyeliner, creating a softer, sophisticated finish. This guide will help you learn how to apply white and nude eyeliner to make your eyes appear bigger and wider for a gorgeous doll-like gaze. Like, it basically fakes a full night’s sleep. “White eyeliner not only makes your eyes look larger, but also makes you look more awake,” says makeup artist Geo Brian Hennings. And, major plus, it’ll cancel out any signs of a hangover, allergies, quarter-life crisis, etc., regardless of your skin tone. Convinced? Skeptical? Confused? Great—I’m here for all of it. So keep reading to find out exactly how to use white eyeliner, and which ones are the very best.
    In order for your makeup to look as natural as possible, you need to select a product that matches your skin tone. Women with a fair to medium skin tone should match the color of their foundations to their complexions, while women with dark skin should choose shades that match their necks for best results. Each brand has its own selection of shades, so you may want to look at the options available for each product before making your final decision. The foundation has a moisturizing formula that helps keep the skin hydrated throughout the day. • However, if you’re using a water-based foundation, avoid using a silicone primer underneath, as that can break the product up. I have combination, acne-prone skin and, thanks to retinoids, a dry complexion except for my oily t-zone. I look for foundations that provide a natural-looking coverage, and, most importantly, don’t get cakey. (I shudder to remember the mid-2000s’ dry, matte foundation looks I grew up on.) And it’s always a plus when a formulation has beneficial ingredients like niacinamide or squalane—and many of the below clean formulas do.

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  86. I strongly recommend steer clear of this site. My personal experience with it was nothing but disappointment along with doubts about fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, look for a trustworthy service to fulfill your requirements.I urge you stay away from this platform. My own encounter with it has been purely disappointment and suspicion of fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or even better, find a trustworthy site to fulfill your requirements.

  87. Bitcoin is the network of connected computers where the digital token (also known as bitcoin) lives. The currency is digital only, meaning it cannot be removed from its digital network and therefore does not exist in a physical form like paper money. You cannot place a physical bitcoin in your wallet, even if you buy it at a bitcoin ATM (yes, those exist). Company Filings © 2024 NBCNEWS.COM The second development is the bitcoin halving, which takes place every four years and is scheduled for May 2024. Halving is when miners, which are entities who uphold the bitcoin network, see the rewards for their work cut in half. This keeps a cap on the supply of bitcoin — of which there will ever only be 21 million coins — and often is a factor behind a new rally. In this 2008 paper , pseudonymous engineer Satoshi Nakomoto proposes Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency.
    It has managed to create a global community and give birth to an entirely new industry of millions of enthusiasts who create, invest in, trade and use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in their everyday lives. The emergence of the first cryptocurrency has created a conceptual and technological basis that subsequently inspired the development of thousands of competing projects. At Financer we update our crypto pricing in real-time so you can see the top cryptocurrencies and live crypto prices every day. At Financer we update our crypto pricing in real-time so you can see the top cryptocurrencies and live crypto prices every day. Cryptocurrency Picks for Today: On Tuesday, the crypto market witnessed a minor relief rally in its correction trend, as the Bitcoin price tries to stabilize above the $42000 mark. Although the recent introduction of spot Bitcoin ETFs didn’t trigger a major uptick in the underlying asset BTC, current technical chart analyses suggest that this correction phase is a typical financial asset behavior, often preceding a recovery in bullish momentum.

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  91. My early failures with Tinder had put me on the path of cold approaching that was, somehow, easier for me. Our Forum is where guys share love reports, give texting suggestions, rate profiles and more. Not sure exactly how? I rounded up the best tips—and real Tinder conversation starters (that can be used just as expertly on Bumble, or Hinge, or Coffee Meets Bagel, or Facebook Dating or…insert dating app here)—to make at least one part of life a little easier on ya. But one caveat? If you end up engaged, I want an invite to the wedding. Tinder tips for the best openers and winning bios My 5 essential Tinder tips for short guys will undoubtedly help short guys boost their success online. With up to six photos, a quick bio, and a list of any mutual interests and friends from Facebook, Tinder users can quickly judge whether they’re interested or not. This means that the content of your Tinder profile can make or break your next hookup relationship awkward text conversation that ends terribly.
    eHarmony is exclusively for users seeking long-term relationships, and subscribers must be single, widowed, or divorced – separated individuals are not allowed to set up a profile. While the eHarmony site allows only for opposite-sex matching, there is a companion site called Compatible Partners, which is for those seeking a long-term same-sex relationship. The cost of eHarmony in the U.S. is $59.95 for one month, $39.95 per month for a three-month subscription, $29.95 per month for six months, and $19.95 per month for 12 months. The convenience of using any dating app from your desktop or mobile device is one of the many advantages of online dating. Since you probably always have your phone on you, it is the most convenient way to browse potential dates wherever you may be.

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  100. Водоподготовка выполняет ключевую роль в гарантировании функциональности производственного оборудования – Процедура включает в себя обработку и подготовку воды для исключения ненужных элементов, таких как солевые соединения, органические соединения и вредные бактерии. Это требуется для избежания окисления, солевых отложений и прочих неприятностей, которые могут уменьшить работоспособность устройств и сократить период эксплуатации. Внедрение эффективной водоподготовки даёт возможность не только повысить надёжность и долговечность оборудования, но и сократить расходы на обслуживание и обслуживание.

    Текущие системы водоподготовки содержат разнообразие этапов обработки и оборудования. Среди них можно выделить фильтрационные установки, применяемые для удаления крупных элементов, обратноосмотические системы, которые результативно удаляют солевые компоненты, и ультрафиолетовые системы, дезинфицирующие воду. Также не последнюю роль играют химические реагенты, используемые для корректировки pH и предотвращения ржавчины. Внедрение автоматизированных систем управления даёт возможность значительно улучшить точность и результативность процесса водоподготовки, что имеет большое значение в условиях масштабного промышленного производства.

    Эффективная водоподготовка оказывает положительное влияние на экологическое состояние, уменьшая количество выбросов вредных соединений в экосистему. Применение новых технологий и оборудования позволяет минимизировать потребление воды и её загрязнённость, что соотносится с требованиями устойчивого развития. Промышленные предприятия, обращающие внимание на водоподготовку, не только улучшают эффективность, но и демонстрируют ответственное отношение к окружающей среде. В результате, качественная водоподготовка становится важным конкурентным преимуществом и вкладом в развитие, как для организаций, так и для всего общества.

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