HealthGuard – Britacel successful partnership

Offering solutions to combat COVID-19

All over the world a lot of research is happening, across industries to come out with solutions to tackle the situation arising out of the Covid -19 pandemic. The spotlight in the textile industry has been on the recent developments in the field of antimicrobial treatment and related solutions. Australia-based HealthGuard Corporation has been in the forefront of such initiatives and has been a name that has been constantly making the headlines for its Antimicrobial solutions in recent times. The company with three decades of expertise in non-invasive health care products has now joined hands with Britacel Silicones Ltd, India, who are considered pioneers in finishing chemicals with a global presence.

Going into details regarding the nature of partnership in an exclusive chat, Dr. Christopher Harvey, Chairman of HealthGuard Corporation, mentioned that while HealthGuard will be handling the technical, production and compliance part, Britacel Silicones will be taking care of the global marketing, distribution, application and technical support services. 

While HealthGuard’s Office & production base is Melbourne, Britacel Silicones has got 3 manufacturing units located in Goa & Head office in Mumbai.

HealthGuard AMIC

HealthGuard had recently announced the test results of HealthGuard AMIC treated textiles against human strain Covid-19 (SARS COV 2). 

“The results are astounding. After 10 minutes exposure to HealthGuard AMIC treated substrate the Human Strain of Covid-19 virus recorded a 99.9% reduction in viral activity. Further time delay testing at 60 minutes and 120 minutes, were even more astonishing, after 60 minutes and 120 minutes exposure the Covid-19 virus was certified as non-detectable. This once again exhibits that HealthGuard AMIC is the market leading anti Covid-19 treatment for textiles,” Mr. Harvey said.

“HealthGuard AMIC exhibits virtually immediate reduction in viral activity to 99.9% and then goes on to completely destroying the virus. You can be assured you have complete satisfaction with HealthGuard. The testing was carried out at one of Australia’s leading University and in conjunction with research hospitals and infectious disease institutions in Australia,” he added.

According to Mr. Harvey the solutions offered by HealthGuard for the textile industry includes Anti-microbial, Anti-viral, Anti-mosquito, Anti-bed bug and Anti-dust mites treatments, apart from non-alcohol based hand sanitizer and disinfectant. 

Enthusiastic response

HealthGuard’s solutions are already being used by several leading names in the Indian textile industry. “Well, we have promoted our products to almost big and medium size organizations in India. Amongst them Vardhman, Siyaram, Welspun, Century Textile, Morarjee Textile, Mangal Textile, BSL Textile, GM Synthetics, Sutlej Industries, have shown interest to have a joint campaign for spreading awareness about our products. Some of them have officially launched their respective fabrics treated with HealthGuard’s product range. Many more press releases are expected to come out in about a couple of weeks’ time. We are also expecting two more international clients from Bangladesh and Sri lanka to launch a joint campaign soon,” Mr. Naishadh Desai, Chairman, Britacel Silicones added.

Given that there are other similar technologies doing the rounds, why should a customer go in for HealthGuard’s solutions? Responding to this question, Mr. Harvey stated: “HealthGuard AMIC technology naturally forms a film making it perfect for use on textiles. The residual film has ultra-low toxicity and can be used over a wide pH range. This offers it advantages in the fight against the Covid-19 virus.”

Buoyant about growth

When queried about the emerging consumer trends that they foresaw post Covid-19 pandemic in terms of increasing preference for specially treated fabrics with anti-microbial treatment, Mr. Arindam Choudhuri, Technical Head, Britacel Silicones  replied:” Well, with customers thinking sensibly and due to fear psychosis, the trends are changing very rapidly indeed. While earlier Anti-microbial fabrics were constituting maybe 3-5 % of entire textile production, but now it may go up to 15%-20% of the entire production. This could be specifically for items such as outdoor apparels, towels, bed sheets, curtains, etc. Customers will be definitely feeling a lot more secure as they know that their day-to-day fabric or leather accessories will not become a pathogen hotspot. Even in the case of work wear, hospital wear and school uniform, specially treated fabrics will offer better characteristics like improved protection and long lasting freshness.”  

Some of the key advantages of HealthGuard AMIC include:-

• Independently tested as 99.94% in the reduction of the Coronavirus on the treated textiles.

• Kills bacteria including superbugs such as MRSA.

• Not heavy metal salt based.

• Effective against a broad spectrum of gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

• Cosmetic chemistry based technology.

• HealthGuard AMIC has over 25 years of safety record.

• Durable to multiple laundry cycles. Independently tested.

• Compatible with all textile substrates.

• Economical to apply.

• Will not affect shade of dyestuffs.

• Simple to apply by padding, spraying or exhaust methods.

• Tested against SARS-COV-2.

3,053 Replies to “HealthGuard – Britacel successful partnership

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  109. The Eagles have two other linebackers on the practice squad in Ben VanSumeren and Brandon Smith. VanSumeren received the practice squad elevation, his second of three. He also got it in the Eagles’ last game, on Nov. 5 against Dallas. But he was only used on special teams. Will it lead to a botched snap from a wary center? A false start and 10-second runoff? Will a QB try to get cute and throw it to the side, leading to a backwards pass? The Philadelphia Eagles were 1.5-point favorites over the Kansas City Chiefs for Super Bowl 57 and the Over Under total was 51.5. The result of the red-zone turnovers, the seven penalties for 55 yards and the dropped passes and missed assignments was the Chiefs’ second loss in their last three games, one that knocked them from their perch atop the AFC. It also gave the Eagles their first win at Arrowhead Stadium since a 37-31 victory on October 2, 2005.
    It’ll be Tanner Houck getting the start for the Red Sox on Friday night. Houck took the loss in last Saturday’s game against the Yankees, although he put forth a solid effort, lasting six innings and giving up just two runs on three hits. Despite looking better in that outing, Houck is just 3-6 with a 5.23 ERA this season. The Red Sox are hopeful that last week’s start is a sign that Houck is starting to turn things around after a problematic month of May in which he posted a 6.08 ERA. Even worse, the Red Sox have lost the last six games that Houck has started. Boston played spoiler against Baltimore last weekend, taking two of three to hamper the Orioles’ playoff chances. That’s all the Sox are left with: the satisfaction of irritating their division rivals. They have six games with the Yankees over the next 12 days, giving them a dozen chances to ruin things for their bitter enemies.

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  218. Hi! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but after browsing through some of the posts I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back regularly!

  219. I think what you postedtypedthink what you postedtypedsaidthink what you postedwrotebelieve what you postedtypedWhat you postedwrote was very logicala bunch of sense. But, what about this?think about this, what if you were to write a killer headlinetitle?content?wrote a catchier title? I ain’t saying your content isn’t good.ain’t saying your content isn’t gooddon’t want to tell you how to run your blog, but what if you added a titleheadlinetitle that grabbed a person’s attention?maybe get a person’s attention?want more? I mean %BLOG_TITLE% is a little plain. You ought to peek at Yahoo’s home page and see how they createwrite news headlines to get viewers to click. You might add a related video or a related pic or two to get readers interested about what you’ve written. Just my opinion, it might bring your postsblog a little livelier.

  220. Undeniably consider that that you stated. Your favourite justification appeared to be at the net the simplest thing to consider of. I say to you, I definitely get irked even as folks consider worries that they plainly do not realize about. You controlled to hit the nail upon the top as smartly as defined out the whole thing with no need side effect , other folks can take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thank you

  221. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates. I’ve been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience with something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything. I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

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  223. Have you ever thought about publishing an e-book or guest authoring on other sites? I have a blog centered on the same ideas you discuss and would really like to have you share some stories/information. I know my viewers would enjoy your work. If you are even remotely interested, feel free to send me an e-mail.

  224. With havin so much content and articles do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright violation? My site has a lot of completely unique content I’ve either authored myself or outsourced but it looks like a lot of it is popping it up all over the web without my authorization. Do you know any methods to help stop content from being ripped off? I’d certainly appreciate it.

  225. Great goods from you, man. I’ve understand your stuff previous to and you’re just too fantastic. I really like what you’ve acquired here, really like what you’re stating and the way in which you say it. You make it entertaining and you still take care of to keep it sensible. I can not wait to read far more from you. This is actually a great site.

  226. Wonderful blog! Do you have any suggestions for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you propose starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m totally confused .. Any ideas? Cheers!

  227. Hey there I am so thrilled I found your webpage, I really found you by mistake, while I was browsing on Google for something else, Nonetheless I am here now and would just like to say thanks a lot for a incredible post and a all round interesting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to look over it all at the minute but I have book-marked it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a great deal more, Please do keep up the awesome job.

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