Reliance Industries Doubling PET recycling capacity

Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), India’s largest private sector company is doubling its PET recycling capacity by setting up a recycled polyester staple fiber (PSF) manufacturing facility in Andhra Pradesh. The move is part of RIL’s commitment to lead the industry on circular economy, enhance its sustainability quotient and bolster the entire polyester and polymer value chain.

Mr. Vipul Shah, COO – Petrochemicals Business, RIL

As a part of this endeavour, SrichakraEcotex India Pvt. Ltd. will build and operate exclusively for RIL the new recycled PSF – RecronGreenGold and PET flakes wash-line in Andhra Pradesh.

SrichakraEcotex was established by the promoters of SrichakraPolyplastPvt. Ltd. Founded in 2010, Srichakra is India’s leading plastic recycling and waste management company based in Hyderabad, Telangana. For ten years, Srichakra has pioneered the plastic recycling process and achieved many ‘firsts’ for plastic recycling in India, including India’s first and only food-grade rPET recycling facility. Srichakra specializes in producing superior rPET, rPP, rPE granules in large volumes for the packaging, textile, and automotive industries. Srichakra growth strategy includes partnerships with large corporations, including brand owners, and aims for pan India presence and expand its capacity by 5-fold in the next five years.

RIL’s initiative to more than double its recycling capacity to 5 billion post-consumer PET bottles will ensure India maintains over 90% recycling rate. RIL is focusing on sustaining India’s post-consumer PET recycling rate which is currently the highest in the world.

RIL will empower entrepreneurs to divert post-consumer used packaging from landfills, setup recycling facilities and create wealth from waste throughout the country. RIL is driving various initiatives such as Fashion for Earth in partnership with Lakmé Fashion Week and the United Nations in India, Hub Excellence Programme and Circular Design Challenge to inculcate circularity and sustainability concepts in polymer, textile and fashion industries.

Commenting on the development, Mr. Vipul Shah, COO – Petrochemicals Business, RIL, said, “The expansion of PET Recycling capacity is part of Mr Mukesh Ambani’s vision to transform our legacy business into sustainable, circular and net zero carbon materials business and support the entrepreneurs to take risk throughout the value chain. RIL is committed to development of entire value chain and it shares expertise and technical know-how with the entrepreneurs to produce top quality products at lowest possible costs. RIL has underwritten the entire production from Srichakra’s facility to provide support for development of the business.”

While expressing pleasure in partnering with RIL, Mr. Srinivas Mikkilineni, Director – SrichakraEcotexPvt. Ltd., said, “The agreement with RIL provides an excellent opportunity for Srichakra to expand its footprint into the recycled polyester staple fiber  market. The alliance will propel Srichakra’s commitment to reduce plastic pollution and facilitate both organizations to advance the circular economy for plastic waste in India. RIL’s industry expertise, technical knowledge, and business assurances will allow Srichakra to research, innovate and develop high-quality and sustainable products for RIL’s GreenGold portfolio.”

RIL currently recycles PET bottles at its Barabanki, Hoshiarpur and Nagothane plants. The post-consumer PET bottles are used as a raw material for manufacturing re-cycled polyester fiber. The fibers manufactured through this process are branded as RecronGreenGold and RIL through its Hub Excellence Partners (HEP) (selected downstream mills) manufactures R | Elan GreenGold fabrics, one of the greenest fabrics in the world.

At present, RIL converts more than 2 billion post-consumer PET bottles into fibers annually. With addition of Srichakra capacity RIL will be instrumental in converting about 5 billion used PET bottles into value-added fibers.

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    The benefit of betting props is you’re wagering on something that doesn’t reflect the game’s outcome. In other words, you don’t have to bet on who’ll win the game or cover the point spread; this is focused on player performance. NBA RETURN ON INVESTMENT: LAST 10 GAMES Nick Sirianni, Philadelphia Eagles (Mandatory Credit: Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports) This game will be played in a neutral site – State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona – so winter weather should not affect this game, these offenses capable of plenty of scoring, with KC averaging a league-high 29.2 points per game and Philly averaging 28.1 (3rd most), that combined total of 57.3 well over what this bet allows, which is why we are taking the over here. Despite the 49ers entering Sunday’s NFC championship game amid a 12-game winning streak, we’re expecting the Eagles to advance to their second Super Bowl in six seasons. Along with backing the Eagles at -2.5 (-120), we’ll sprinkle a bit on their alternate spread at -5 (+135). Even after omitting last week’s 31-point win, the Eagles’ average point differential in the regular season was 7.82 points per game. Yes, the 49ers are a completely different animal, but they haven’t faced any of the league’s elite teams during their red-hot stretch.

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