Rieter Acquires Three Businesses from Saurer

  • Investment to complete Rieter’s ring- and compact spinning systems and in two attractive component businesses
  • Schlafhorst automatic winder as well as Accotex and Temco will be transferred from Saurer to Rieter
  • Closing expected during the month of August, implementation to be completed in six to nine months
  • Changes in the Rieter Board of Directors

Rieter Holding Ltd., Winterthur/Switzerland, and Saurer Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd., Shanghai/China listed, signed an agreement by which Rieter will acquire three businesses from Saurer Netherlands Machinery Company B.V., Amsterdam/Netherlands, the parent company of Saurer Spinning Solutions GmbH & Co. KG, Uebach-Palenberg/Germany and Saurer Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Krefeld/Germany.

With this acquisition, Rieter will complete the offering of ring- and compact spinning systems by acquiring the Schlafhorst automatic winder business. Additionally, Rieter invests in two attractive component businesses: Accotex (elastomer components for spinning machines) and Temco (bearing solutions for filament machines).

In total, the three businesses had a combined turnover of EUR 142 million in 2020, the year of the COVID crisis. In 2019 and 2018, the total combined turnover was at a level of EUR 235 million and EUR 260 million, respectively.

The purchase price for the three businesses is EUR 300 million on a cash and debt free basis. Rieter has financed the purchase price by cash and available credit lines.

Rieter and Saurer expect to close the transaction during the month of August. In the first step of the transaction, Rieter will acquire 57% of the shares of Saurer Netherlands. The shares will be returned to Saurer after the implementation of the transaction in six to nine months.

In connection with the transaction, it is envisaged that Rieter will supply automatic winders to Saurer in the future.

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    Your browser is out of date or some of its features are disabled, it may not display this website or some of its parts correctly. Inter Milan taking on AC Milan is always a spectacle. No matter where the clubs are in the points table, this is one game even the neutrals look forward to simply because of how much passion and intensity there is on the football pitch. Having won a collective 38 league titles, there is plenty at stake even when they aren’t challenging for major honors. The 2021-22 season ended with Italian giants AC Milan winning the league title by fending off a tough challenge from their arch rivals Inter Milan. The AC Milan fans were ecstatic to see their team win the Italian league after over a decade. Inter Milan finished 2nd as they fell short by just two points. The 3rd and 4th spots were occupied by Napoli and Juventus who will join the Milan sides in the Champions League 2022-23.

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    ChainLink’s current share of the entire cryptocurrency market is 0.27%, with a market capitalization of $ 3.28 Billions. The safer option is always to store your crypto assets in a wallet where the private keys are never exposed online. Multiple options are available to store Link tokens. Because link is used both for the exchange of data services and for node validator staking, it is used both as a means of payment and as a work token. Additionally, link has a hard cap of 1 billion tokens that are distributed as rewards for the validation work of node operators. Chainlink was created in 2017 by software engineer Steve Ellis and entrepreneur Sergey Nazrov and is a subsidiary of Nzarov’s SmartContract. In the same month, Chainlink held an initial coin offering for 350 million Link (35% of its total supply) for a total of $32 million. The remaining 650 million Link were allocated to Link’s founding team (30%) and for its token reward system (35%).

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  63. No deposit bonuses can take the form of a certain amount of bonus money added to your account, or a certain number of free spins that can be used on selected slot machines. Some players prefer free cash, others prefer free spins, so I included both types in my list of no deposit bonuses. A no deposit bonus works slightly differently, in that you’ll receive bonus credits rather than spins. You can play table games or video poker if the casino in question allows that, or stick to slots. Again, you’ll have to meet the terms if you want to claim your winnings. However, the wagering requirement can often be lower for a no deposit bonus than for free spins. All the most popular and reliable payment methods are available on Verde Casino. This includes Visa, Mastercard, Qiwi, WebMoney and Neteller. If you want to use a credit or debit card to deposit your funds, the transaction will be facilitated by the payment methods that Verde Casino have set up on their site to ensure there are no issues with your chosen payment method. The same applies to all the other payment methods listed in this article and on the Verde Casino website.
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    The Super Wild slot machine is a traditional slot that takes place right on the casino floor. In this slot, you’ll find the main game and the top game, along with plenty of bonus features that have been included. Like a few of the other online slots from Omni slots, Super Wild features the classic fruit machine symbols. There are review sites saying that Omni Slots’ live dealer casino has only a limited number of live games. All we can say is that it’s not the case. We do however agree that their variety of games is not as extensive. There’s been a huge technical jump in the quality of the games at Omni Slots Casino. The newest online slots for real money boast sharper graphics and deeper audio tracks. If we have to be honest there is not much of a distinct difference between the desktop and the mobile versions of Omni Slots. At the top of the home page, there are the usual brightly colored banners that advertise the casino’s latest promotional incentives and bonuses. All (and we mean it literally) slots and table games available on mobile are displayed below.

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    Casino-Z е друго модерно казино, което е създадено през 2020 година. То веднага ще Ви грабне с минималния си депозит равностоен на 1 евро. Ако обичате свежи онлайн казина, тук Ви очаква начален бонус достигащ 600 лв. За да се възползвате от него обаче ще трябва да депозирате поне 10 евро или 19,56 лв. Казината с ниски депозити, подобно на всички останали платформи, предлагат безкрайно разнообразие от всякакви казино игри. Независимо дали харесвате ротативки, игри на маса, лотарийни игри или игри на живо, може да сте сигурни, че ще откриете всичко това във всяко едно лицензирано казино с нисък депозит.

  70. Bingo Τότε ήταν που εμφανίστηκαν οι πρώτες μηχανές που μπορούμε να χαρακτηρίσουμε ως φρουτάκια. Παρόμοια μηχανήματα υπήρχαν ήδη από τη δεκαετία του 1880. Μάλλον, βέβαια, δεν μπορούμε να τα χαρακτηρίσουμε ως φρουτακια επειδή δεν χρησιμοποιούνταν ως τυχερά παιχνίδια. Στην ουσία ήταν απλά παιχνίδια στα οποία κάποιος έβαζε ένα κέρμα και στη συνέχεια κάποια άλογα αρχίζαν να τρέχουν. Δεν είναι όλα τα online φρουτάκια στο διαδίκτυο ασφαλή. Το θέμα της ασφάλειας έχει περισσότερο να κάνει με το ίδιο το διαδικτυακό καζίνο και όχι τόσο με το παιχνίδι. Συγκεκριμένα, υπάρχουν νόμιμα online casino στα οποία σας δίνεται η δυνατότητα να παίξετε με πραγματικά χρήματα ή και με εικονικά αν προτιμάτε τα παιχνίδια τους. Αυτά ελέγχονται στην Ελλάδα από την ΕΕΕΠ (Επιτροπή Εποπτείας και Ελέγχου Παιγνίων).
    Απόλαυσε ατέλειωτες ώρες παιχνιδιού με Έλληνες dealers στις αγαπημένες ρουλέτες Novibet, Greek Quantum και Novibet Mega Fire Blaze. Pokerstars: Έχει όνομα Diamond Link Limited στην Ελλάδα και εδρεύει στη Μάλτα, έχοντας χρονιά ίδρυσης το 2014. H άδεια τύπου 1 που έχει λάβει διαθέτει αριθμό HGC-000028-LH και η τύπου 2 HGC-000029-LH. Βρίσκονται σε ισχύ από τις 5 Ιουλίου 2021 και έχουν ημερομηνία λήξης στις 5 Ιουλίου 2028.

  71. Double Diamond online slot has everything one would imagine in a traditional slot machine. The game is made of three reels that stand independently like those of the old brick and mortar machines. The white of the columns is complemented by blue and purple ribbons running all round while the title is placed at the very top. The setting does include two large diamonds above the three-reel grid to match the theme suggested by the title. Not much is done with the background music, and it reflects the clinks and chimes found in the land-based version. Play lucky Triple Diamond slots free online with old-fashioned symbols: BAR and Seven and the highest paying symbol – Triple Diamond, offering a maximum reward of 1199x your bet. A convenient payline makes it easy for players to achieve success and plan a winning strategy. Try free slots Triple Diamond full screen mode and use the hole functionality to enjoy the possibilities on any convenient device.
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    Additionally, 1win is now expanding into the realm of cyber sports with offerings in multiple disciplines. The “Cyber Sports” section of the website offers betting options for computer games like CS: GO, Dota 2, LoL, Rainbow Six, Rocket League, and more. You can also Discover exciting opportunities in the “Vsport” section of 1win’s website. You can bet on virtual sports and find unique specials by exploring the “Line” and “Specials” sections. 1 Casino is a casino licensed with the Curacao Gambling Commission that offers a range of betting and casino gaming services to customers from a pretty large number of countries with a range of restrictions for certain bet types and casino games. The company offers quite an excellent selection of betting markets, but it includes all major leagues and events.