Gap Inc. & Textile Exchange Together Launch Preferred Fiber Toolkit

The much-awaited Preferred Fiber Toolkit (PFT) is now out. The Toolkit – publicly made available together by Gap Inc. and Textile Exchange – offers guidance to sourcing and design teams to help their companies be on target with their sustainability goals.

The brainchild of Gap Inc., PFT comprises a rigorous evaluation of raw material choices that takes inputs from Higg Materials Sustainability Index by Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC). The holistic indicators from the Toolkit enable businesses to give due consideration to biodiversity, land-use change, waste elimination, human rights, labour issues and animal welfare to enable a circular economy.

Diana Rosenberg – Product Sustainability Manager, Gap Inc. says: “The PFT indicates how a data-driven approach leads to increased confidence in sourcing sustainable materials. The development of PFT reflects Gap Inc.’s ability to develop internal awareness on designing better products and set fiber strategies.”

The Toolkit comes to the rescue of apparel and retail businesses who struggle to cohesively measure and explain sourcing material choices. With increased expectations from the customers regarding higher levels of transparency, brands are working towards sourcing and marketing more sustainable fibers. The timely release of PFT has the ability to guide the textile industry towards becoming more sustainable in not-so-far future. 

Textile Exchange, a global non-profit organization, develops, manages and promotes a suite of industry standards and publishes valuable industry data and insights that help brands and retailers to measure, manage and track their use of preferred fiber and materials.

“Textile Exchange was part of the early work along with independent reviewers such as SAC. We will continue to improve upon the Toolkit’s foundation work done by Gap Inc. and create a combination of quantitative and qualitative data from materials to make it into a decision-making tool for the industry. This tool will drive the work of Textile Exchange to meet our 2030 Climate+ goals,” shares Liesl Truscott, Director – Europe and Materials Strategy, Textile Exchange.

Joël Mertens – Senior Manager, Higg Product Tools, Sustainable Apparel Coalition opines: “The Sustainable Apparel Coalition applauds the release of the Preferred Fiber Toolkit. With the embedded Higg MSI data and other qualitative indicators, the PFT users can consider environmental impact and additional sustainability values in their sourcing decisions. By aligning the PFT with Higg MSI data, users of both tools can seamlessly track the impacts of their decisions from fiber to full materials and products.”

The Toolkit will be updated by Textile Exchange with new data and a broader set of fibers and materials. It will also work towards identifying areas of further reduction of impact to support the industry in meeting science-based targets. The Toolkit will serve as a complement to SAC’s Product Tools.


Preferred Fiber Toolkit helps businesses cohesively measure and explain sourcing material choices.

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    L’Argentina si aggiudica il quinto set e il match: la formazione sudamericana vince il tie-break 15-12 ed elimina gli azzurri, autori di troppi errori, ai quarti di finale. Nell’Italia 22 punti di Osmany Juantorena e 21 di Alessandro Michieletto, nell’Argentina 19 punti di Facundo Conte e 18 di Ezequiel Palacios. Danesi comincia a scaldare il braccio coi 1° tempi, poi fallo di rotazione di Egonu e l’Argentina torna avanti. Italia che deve iniziare a lavorare meglio con la correlazione muro-difesa. Terza vittoria consecutiva per l’Italia che dopo Polonia e Canada batte anche l’Argentina per 3-1 con i parziali di 25-20, 25-21, 16-25, 30-28 I ragazzi di De Giorgi, oggi assente perché positivo al Covid, si sbarazzano dei sudamericani concludendo al meglio questa prima tappa di VNL giocata ad Ottawa. Adesso tornano in campo le ragazze di Mazzanti impegnate nella seconda tappa, a Brasilia, alle 2 del 15 giugno contro la Serbia. Match in diretta su Sky Sport Uno e in streaming su NOW

  32. These are powerful conclusions, ending major works of scholarship on a high note. What concluding paragraphs should never do is gaze off into the sunset, offer vague homilies, or claim you have found the meaning of human existence. Be concrete. Stick to your topic. Make sure your research paper conclusions stand on solid ground. Avoid vague platitudes in your conclusion. Your goal should be reaching strong, sound judgments, firmly grounded in your readings and research. Better to claim too little than too much. Best of all, claim what you’ve earned the right to say: what your research really means. Conclusions are hard. Not impossible, of course, but hard. After spending hours pouring blood, sweat, and tears into your paper, you might be tempted to throw together a quick summary and slap it on the end of the essay. After all, didn’t you just spend eight whole pages explaining your topic? What’s left to be said?
    Snyderblogs This essay has been used to show the use of various communication skills to collect relevant information in the course of an interview. It is therefore important for an interviewer to have a sound knowledge and skills of various communication methods in order to be effective and efficient in his work. True, in consideration with this interview, it has been fully defined that self-satisfaction comes from one’s realization by which he is able to contend with the needs of others through his own way of helping. Self-wroth is apparently given way when one is able to extend his being towards others through giving them the assistance that they need. With the interviewee’s case, she specifically imposed that her learning from school and the opportunity of working with others in need that she is dealing with right now came from a personal sense of motivation. Most likely, it is through this definition of situation that the interviewee was able to come up with certain decisions that made a better meaning of her life.

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  38. The standard term paper must contain at least 10-12 double-spaced pages. Term papers of 15-20 pages are also appropriate, but you must consider the quality of the content. It is always better to make the paper shorter but informative than make it longer with bland, repeated statements. In the initial stages of your research, investigate everything you can find on the topic. This may sound like a tall order, but you’ll find that it doesn’t actually entail that much reading. At this point you are only compiling the research, so you will be skimming through numerous prospects rather than reading them completely. Bear in mind that your aim is to get acquainted with the various aspects of your problem. The term paper summarizes the knowledge you gained within a course and requires to familiarize yourself with the research that other people have already made on your topic.
    This might seem like the opposite way to write anything, but according to Eric Athas, former manager of training at NPR and now senior editor of digital training at The New York Times, writing your title or headline first actually helps unleash your story’s full potential. Here is an example of a well-structured body paragraph, and the beginning of another body paragraph, from an essay on William Shakespeare’s play “Twelfth Night.” See whether you can identify the topic sentence and its development, the evidence, the writer’s analysis and proof of the objective, and the transition to the next paragraph. This title states the main finding of the study in the title itself; it reduces the curiosity of the reader, may point toward a bias on the part of the author, and hence is best avoided.

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  41. Lighting the dark MiamiMD dark spot corrector is an effective product for clearing the skin imperfections. This formula works as an anti-aging serum that helps reduce dark spots and sun spots. The cream can help transform the stained skin to smooth, clear, youthful skin. Enriched with kojic acid, vitamin C, glycolic acid and resveratrol, the product helps banish dark spots and boosts skin’s health. The product is free from parabens, fragrance and BHA. Diminished Dark Spots “There are a variety of creams and serums that patients can use to help lighten, brighten, and diminish dark areas over time,” he said. Use twice daily (a.m. and p.m.). Using targeted tip of tube, apply a liberal amount of cream directly to each dark spot and massage into skin. For best results, apply a sunscreen or other sun protection 30 minutes after morning application of this product.
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    Some action games add a layer of problem-solving to these basic elements with difficult challenges and puzzles. Games like Vex 4 and Vex 5 require quick-thinking, great technique, and coordination to get through increasingly complex level structures that are riddled with deadly traps. Game Mess Mornings 03/01/23 SteamDB requires a fully up to date browser. As a reminder, SteamDB is a hobby project that makes no money. The popular zombie killing game that got the mass addicted is now available in your web browser! Defend your home and your brain by planting peashooters, sunflowers, wall-nuts, and cherry bombs! As you progress, the zombies get tougher and tougher, but so will your plants! Slay the waves of zombies before they reach your front door! Will you survive and kill the zombie mad scientist that started the plague? Play Plants vs Zombies and find out!

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  45. しかしプロのポーカープレイヤーでも、実はハンドの約8割でフォールドすると言われています。 このように自分のポーカーをグラフにして客観的に評価してくれるので、自分はここで良くないポーカーをしていたなどの反省が出来るので他の人よりもポーカーの上達は早くなるでしょう。 本書は、ポーカーに興味を持ったばかりの女流雀士「れむ」に、世界で人気を博しているポーカーの三大ゲーム「ホールデム」・「オマハ」・「7カードスタッド」のプレイ方法から、基礎知識、戦略までストーリー仕立てで解説しています。 YouTube動画を中心に、翻訳したポーカー戦略を紹介します。  世界で最もポピュラーなポーカー「テキサスホールデム」を、マインドスポーツからマインドエンタテインメントへ発展させることを目指すエンタテインメント事業「m」。2021年7月には年間を通して賞金付き大会が開催されるスマートフォン向けアプリ「m HOLD’EM(エムホールデム)」をリリースするなど注目を集めており、8月27日にはリアルポーカーハウス「m HOLD’EM 目黒(エムホールデムめぐろ)」をグランドオープンします。 こちらではポーカー(テキサスホールデム)で使われる専門用語をまとめています。 以上、ポーカー界に革命を起こした統計ツール「ポーカートラッカー」で分析できる基本的な統計指標、初心者でも活用しやすい指標の使い方、復習の方法ついて、解説しましたが、いかがでしたでしょうか?
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