R|Elan™ Kooltex – Enhancing Comfort through Quick Dry Technology

R|Elan™ Kooltex fabric – Making Cool, Cooler

It’s a constant endeavour at Reliance Industries Limited’s  (RIL)R|Elan™ to providing advanced textile technologies that not only captures the latest style trends but also help enhance comfort and performance of consumer. A unique fabric technology within R|Elan™ product portfolio is R|Elan™ Kooltex, fabric that enhances the performance of the garment by keeping them dry and cool amid various conditions. Advanced moisture management property of R|Elan™ Kooltex help control temperature and provide cooler feeling to the wearer – be it formal or sports outfit. R|Elan™ Kooltex keeps the wearer cool and dry through the day ensuring enhanced performance and encouraging heightening physical activities.

Growing demand for functional and comfortable apparel

There is a growing demand from consumers for garments that exhibit additional functionality, especially feature of moisture management is most sought after. Modern day consumers have realized the importance of an active lifestyle and staying fit, and this trend has further increased during past couple of years. The Covid scenario has transformed the consumer mindset with an emphasis on better apparel with embedded performance attributes. Apparel that has inherent quick dry capabilities can help keep the consumer cooler, fresher and hence more comfortable for extended period.

Ever evolving consumers are demanding more innovations in their everyday apparels, brands are also introducing new solutions under the performance category. R|Elan™’s specially engineered products have emerged as a perfect choice for trendy and performance enhancement seeker consumers.

A sneak peek into R|Elan Kooltex™ Technology

R|Elan™ Kooltex has inherent moisture management mechanism with its unique structure supporting wicking of sweat through micro-channels. This facilitates rapid moisture management property that the body uses to regulate its temperature.

Its rapid three-step moisture management process is explained below: 

  • Transports sweat to fabric outer surface
  • Spreads sweat over a larger area
  • Sweat evaporates swiftly, allowing the garment wearer to feel cool and fresh

R|Elan™ Kooltex can be used in major apparel application segments such as denim, knitwear, athleisure and wovens.

Dealing with sweat during exercise or hot weather is not a concern anymore. Now, garments have become smarter with R|Elan™ Kooltex that enhances performance and at the same time provides comfort – day in and out!

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  58. Our prediction for this contest is Yankees 5, Padres 3. Just as with run lines, the minus sign (-) signifies a team is favored, while the plus sign (+) means a team is the underdog. The moneyline odds, written in American odds format here, indicate how big or small a favorite that team is, written in increments of $100. For example, to win $100 on the Yankees, a bettor would need to risk $180. On the flip side, a $100 bet on the Rockies would net $150 if Colorado pulled the upset. Below is an example of a typical line for a Yankees’ game that you might find online, such as on the PointsBet app, with an explanation of what each bet means. Julio Rodriguez and the Seattle Mariners (28-26) will host Aaron Judge and the New York Yankees (33-23) at T-Mobile Park on Tuesday, May 30, with a start time of 9:40 PM ET.
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    In the Midwest Region with Purdue are some March Madness regulars. The Volunteers haven’t missed the tournament since 2017 and No. 3 Creighton (+2000) has been in the Big Dance each of the last three years. No. 4 Kansas (+3500), which won it all in 2022, is in the tournament seemingly every year as is No. 5 Gonzaga (+5500). Caesars Sportsbook promo code SBWIRE1000 gives new users a $1,000 first bet offer. Learn how to claim this Caesars Sportsbook promo and (…) Powered by WordPress VIP Like so many, I’ll look at my favorite bet here as the first half Under 67.5. My belief is that the officials will be pushed to let the teams play here and not have a parade to the free throw line. Nobody wants to watch Clingan get three fouls in the first half and Edey shoot 25 free throws. It is a game being played in an enormous venue, and while the shooting numbers in the Final Four games weren’t that bad, these are two top-50 teams in 3P% defense and nerves have to be a factor.

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    Keep cuts protected from the sun. A cut that gets tanned or burned will end up with more of a scar. Even after a cut is fully healed, the new skin will tan and burn more easily. Covering a healed or healing cut with clothes or sunscreen will help make a scar less noticeable. Monday: Closed © 2013 DOLLAR CUTS, all rights reserved. “100% yes highly recommend. They did an amazing job on my sons hair from fixing a poorly cut job which was done elsewhere. They restyled his hair which was beautifully done. Not to mention she was so good with my boy as well . Won’t go anywhere else for him now.” My 15 year old daughter, who can be brutally honest and, sometimes cruel, when asked how my cut looked, replied, “It’s one of the best cuts you’ve had Daddy!” I love the way you cut my hair. Really great!

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